When your equipment rides on the right tires, you’ll never notice them. The wrong tires, on the other hand, can steal your profits right out from under you. And that’s a problem you’ll definitely notice.

Outfitting your equipment with the optimal tires means less fuel burned. And a productive harvest, even in muddy conditions. And maybe even higher yields.
That’s why a tire changeover may be a smart investment for your farm operation. But here’s where you have to be careful: there’s no one tire that’s perfect for every situation and every farm. Not only do you need the correct size and tread design, you also need tires that fit your budget.

Look at new takeoff and quality used options.
At NTS Tire Supply, we don’t just sell tires. We understand how they affect your bottom line. And we want every dollar you invest in tires to drive your success. Want options? Choose from all major brands, with the largest inventory in the upper Midwest. New, used, and new take-offs—you can optimize your equipment’s traction performance at a price that’s comfortable for you.
Now you’re probably wondering: Can I really trust used tires? You can if you work with NTS Tire Supply. We deliver quality products and service and have stood behind our work since 1959, and we cover every used tire we sell with our 2-year Black Gold Warranty.
If you want to optimize traction for your planting tractor, four-wheel drive, or combine, call the changeover champions. Don’t get stuck with the wrong tires, because the right ones can drive your operation into the future.